TechTuber Der8auer has highlighted the plight of one of his fans who was scammed into buying a fake AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D processor, normally one of the best CPUs for gaming. The expert overclocker talks viewers through some of the outward signs that this chip was a fake, which could prevent others from falling for scams like this. He also purchased the "mindblowing" counterfeit from the scam victim to take a closer look, delid it, and deliver a thorough analysis. A Der8auer fan named Bruce bought the fake chip online via a Romanian outlet known as OLX. This is said to be like the Facebook marketplace, and consists mostly of private sellers, with returns or warranties not a realistic option. Bruce thought he saved about €100 on the typical European retail price of the 7800X3D, by snapping up this chip for €300… Any warm glow of satisfaction from grabbing a bargain will have rapidly dissipated after receiving the chip and plugging the CPU into the motherboard for its first
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