Google's upcoming mid-range smartphone, the Pixel 8a, is expected to be released soon. The launch date is set for May 14, which coincides with Google I/O. While the Pixel 8a has recently been certified by the Federal Communications Commission, leaked photos of the box and renders have been circulating since October, but the device's specifications have not been widely discussed. According to Kamila Wojciechowska's latest article for Android Authority, the Pixel 8a will feature some significant upgrades. The Pixel 7a already had a 90 Hz display, but the Pixel 8a will take things to the next level with a 120 Hz display, bringing it closer to flagship territory. Wojciechowska's source claims that the Pixel 8a will have a 6.1-inch, 2400×1080 OLED panel with a 120 Hz refresh rate and an improved 1,400 nits brightness, which will not only make the phone more competitive but also be a big deal for the Pixel line's expansion into India, where 120 Hz screens are standard
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